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  • Sampler (USA), 1827

    Sampler embroidered in red, black and blue on a white ground, with the alphabet and inscription Susanna Meck 1827 at the top, and many small detached motifs including animals, birds,…

  • Stripes, late 19th century

    Components -a/-d are on card i80-3 a,b: epaulets of red cloth and red fringe arranged to fall over shoulder and hook to fasten epaulet to shoulder; button of brass with…

  • Sampler (England), 17th century

    Thirteen cross borders in cutwork with needlepoint stitches and embroidery in satin and curled stitches.

  • Wobblies Toy Figure, 1949

    Abstract figure of a woman composed of sixteen separable parts painted red, white, green, blue, and yellow, with a springed core.

  • Wobblies Toy Figure, 1949

    Abstract figure of a man composed of eight separable parts painted red, white, green, blue, and yellow, with a springed core.

  • Wobblies Toy, 1949

    Blue painted rectangular base

  • Button (Haiti), late 18th century

    Button depicting scene of five figures outside near a large house. From left: a seated man, wearing a pink shirt, playing a drum, a woman with only head visible standing…

  • Button (Haiti), late 18th century

    Button depicting scene of four figures in a landscape. A woman on the left wears a striped shirt and scarf, an orange and white skirt and turban; she faces man…

  • Button (Haiti), late 18th century

    Button depicting scene of figures in a landscape with a building. A shirtless man wearing a red turban and white pants fighting with a wooden stick with another man wearing…

  • Button (Haiti), late 18th century

    Button depicting scene with five figures. Two men wear white clothing and pink turbans and are training with wooden sticks, looking at their left [proper]. Behind them, a woman in…

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