John Christie was born in Albion, New York and both his mother and his father were born in Scotland. John Christie’s Draft Card indicates that he was working as a “mechanical draftsmen” at Eastmen Kodak when he enlisted in June 1917. Christie worked for Eastman Kodak from at least 1917 to 1940, less the years that Christie served overseas in World War I from June 4, 1918 to April 28, 1919. In the 1920 US Census, John Christie is listed as living in Rochester, New York and working as a mechanical draughtsman. In the 1930 US Census, Christie is listed as living in Rochester, New York and working as a foreman at Kodak Mfg. In the 1940 US Census, Christie is listed as living in Rochester, New York and working as the “foreman” at a “Camera Works” presumably Eastman Kodak. His annual income is listed as “$5,000 +”