Glass designer. 1924, entered family firm, J & L Lobmeyr. 1938, became cheif designer.
Housing recommended Clear, thin-walled cylindrical vase (a) curved and everted toward lip, rests on thin stem above slightly conical circular foot. Circular cover (b) shaped to fit within lip of…
Thin mouth-blown crystal, rosaline water tumbler.
Thin mouth-blown crystal, amethyst cocktail tumbler.
Thin mouth-blown crystal, citrin colored cocktail tumbler.
Thin mouth-blown crystal, pale smoke-grey cocktail tumbler.
Thin mouth-blown crystal, pale blue color
Thin mouth-blown crystal, pale blue color water tumbler.
Thin mouth-blown crystal, pale green water tumbler.
Thin mouth-blown crystal
Thin mouth-blown crystal wine tumbler.
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