Gustave Keller Frères

Located first at 65, rue de Turbigo, Gustave Keller moved his shop and workshop in 1891 to 22 rue Joubert. By 1929 the shop was located at 18 Avenue Matignon and was active in the 1920s and perhaps into 1940s. The wine and water jugs exhibited at the Exposition universelle internationale de 1900 were considered by Armand-Calliat to have “strange shapes and coarse appearance….The fortunate position of some handles which, attached to the base of the form balance the weight of the jug and its liquid contents in the hand, does not redeem the more complicated ones of another series of almost disquieting, angular jugs, nore their nature of kekeping the drinker, who would not dare to hold it in his hands, at a distance..but these vases, of forbidding aspect, do not seem to be destined to revolutionzie traditional shapes…”(Exposition universelle internationae de 1900 a Paris. Rapports du Jury international, Goupe XV: industries diverses. Classe 94: Orfèvrerie, Paris 1902, p. 258. On the other hand Roger Marx lauded their “introducing gold and silverwork without relief, without chasing, a unified style of silverwork where only the quality of the lines, the curves and the shapes are important.” The firm was also known for their toilette sets.

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