Catalogtree, the design team behind the Flocking Diplomats series, took their name from a technical term for the organizational structure of files within folders within folders. In 1999, Joris Maltha and Daniel Gross founded Catalogtree while enrolled in Werkplaats Typographie, a two-year graphic design program in Arnhem, Netherlands. Their systematic approach to organizing information produces data that is graphic and imagery that is information. The designers are drawn to large data sets, which lend themselves to myriad interpretations.
Works associated with this person or group
Poster, FD-5: Flocking Diplomats New York: Time of Violation, January 2008
Photographic representation derived from raster dots showing a vertically oriented, double head parking meter, orange and black, Each raster dot is a small analogue clock face which represents the violation…
Poster, FD-6: Flocking Diplomats New York: Locations, 1998-2005, designed October 2008
“Based by kind permission on data from: Ray Fisman and Edward Miguel, “Corruption, Norms, and Legal Enforcement: Evidence from Diplomatic Parking Tickets,” Journal of Political Economy (Dec. 2007).”
Poster, FD-2: Flocking Diplomats New York: Individual Frequency Traces, 1999, designed January 2008
“Based by kind permission on data from: Ray Fisman and Edward Miguel, “Corruption, Norms, and Legal Enforcement: Evidence from Diplomatic Parking Tickets,” Journal of Political Economy (Dec. 2007).”
Poster, FD-3: Flocking Diplomats New York: Same Time, Same Place, designed January 2008
“Based by kind permission on data from: Ray Fisman and Edward Miguel, “Corruption, Norms, and Legal Enforcement: Evidence from Diplomatic Parking Tickets,” Journal of Political Economy (Dec. 2007).”
Poster, FD-4: Flocking Diplomats New York: Same Place, Multiple Times, designed June 2008
Parking violations by diplomats in 1999 shown as treemap. The top 100 addresses with most violations is used, the surface of the image is related to the number of violations…
Poster, FD-1: Flocking Diplomats NYC 1999-2002 // Violations / Hour, designed January 2008
“Based by kind permission on data from: Ray Fisman and Edward Miguel, “Corruption, Norms, and Legal Enforcement: Evidence from Diplomatic Parking Tickets,” Journal of Political Economy (Dec. 2007).”
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