Anthony Burrill

Anthony Burrill is a graphic designer based in Oxney, Kent, England. Born in Littleborough, Lancashire, Burrill studied Graphic Design at Leeds Polytechnic and the Royal College of Art. Working in print, installation, and moving image, Burrill’s work often features witty yet commonplace slogans set in bold types and bright colors. Traditional printmaking techniques such as wood block printing, letterpress and screenprint are integral parts of Burrill’s design process and aesthetic. His commercial practice has included advertising campaigns and posters for The Economist magazine, the British Library, the London Underground, The Design Museum, London, and Colette, Paris. His work has been exhibited at the Graphic Design Museum at Breda, Kemistry Gallery, London, The Victoria & Albert Museum, London, and the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis.

Works associated with this person or group

  • Poster, Oil and Water Do Not Mix, 2010

    Screenprinted (artist’s proof) poster with the text “OIL & WATER” and a rectangular block with a wavy line suggesting water printed in brown oil. White paper ground shows through the…