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  • Scenic (China), 1795–1825

    Gray sky background. Bamboo trees. Large central tree with many purple blossoms. Branches, with red fruit, growing from the left. Multi-colored birds and insects. Conventionalized green ground at bottom with…

  • Scenic (China), 1795–1825

    Blue-gray sky background. Different varieties of flowering trees and plants with either white or pink blossoms. A perching owl and multicolored bird. At bottom, on green ground, are rocks and…

  • Scenic (China), 1775–99

    Printed on a pale green background. Darker green ground at bottom. Flowering tree with white blossoms, and large peony plant with white and pale yellow blossoms. Bamboo trees in the…

  • Bowl (Italy), mid-20th century

    Smooth, heavy glass body in form of half clam shell with rim extended horizontally on one side; thin, swirling latticino stripes of opaque red encased in translucent white, fanning out…

  • Bowl (Italy), ca. 1954

    Very thin red clay and hand formed. Funnel-shaped with small flat base; edges sharp, irregularly crimped and irregular in outline. Base is glazed but uncolored. Variegated colored glaze applied in…

  • Bowl (China)

    cream tan glaze

  • Embroidered Picture (Italy), 16th century

    Panel, almost square, of elaborate embroidery in silk and gold on ground of dark green satin. Central oval with embroidered pictorial representation of the “Adoration of the Christ Child,” white…

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