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  • Button (Haiti), late 18th century

    Button depicting scene of three figures in a garden. A light-skinned woman, nude but for a shawl around her waist, stands before a servant in a white dress holding a…

  • Button (Haiti), late 18th century

    Button depicting scene of three conversing figures in a landscape with palm trees. A woman dressed in a striped shirt and turban, a man facing the woman with back to…

  • Button (Haiti), late 18th century

    Button depicting scene of three figures in a tree-filled landscape with possible field or clearing in background. A seated man on left playing a drum is pointed at by two…

  • Button (Haiti), late 18th century

    Button depicting scene of three figures before a seaport. Man at left in striped turban and coat with red pants, holding a hat in one hand and a staff in…

  • Button (Haiti), late 18th century

    Button depicting scene of three women in a landscape, with large house in background. A standing bare-breasted dark-skinned woman holding a basket of items and another seated woman wearing striped…

  • Button (Haiti), late 18th century

    Button depicting scene of four figures outside before a thatched hut. At center, a man in striped pants and white shirt faces a woman in a dress with a pink…

  • Button (Haiti), late 18th century

    Button depicting scene of three women in the foreground and a seated man in the background in a partial landscape. The women are all wearing white dresses, turbans and scarves…

  • Button (Haiti), late 18th century

    Button depicting scene with four figures in a landscape with palm trees. At left, a light-skinned man at entrance of a hut, as black-skinned man and woman, dressed in Western…

  • Sleeve Panel (Philippines), late 19th–early 20th century

    Straight panels intended for sleeves with a small appliquéd and embroidered floral design. A wide border shows a vine pattern along with a flower and vine pattern of appliqué pina…

  • Sleeve (Philippines), late 19th–early 20th century

    Straight panels intended for sleeves with a small appliquéd and embroidered floral design. A wide border shows a vine pattern along with a flower and vine pattern of appliqué pina…

Object Type