All relief plaques rectangular with domed tops and projections to the side, probably made to fit into a specific framework or piece of furniture.
(a) Asia seated holding a gadrooned lamp in one hand and a leafy branch in the other, a camel’s head coming in on the left; (b) Europe, seated holding a cornucopia of fruit and wheat above a helmet, on one side, the other arm around a tempietto a horse’s head above, and with bishop’s mitre in front and with ewer and basin below, and below her feet, a classical bust on books, a palette and brushes above a recorder or flute; (c) Africa-female African seated figure, her tightly curled hair in close cropped cap, one hand raised holding a crab, the other resting on a lion, a palm tree in the crook of her arm; (d) America, a Native American seated in feather skirt and with feather headdress, bare chested and barefoot, a rugged landscape with tree to one side, holding a parrot out on his hand above an alligator under his foot on the other.
Four Continents Plaque, ca. 1770
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