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  • Flask


  • Flask


  • Waistcoat (England), late 18th–early 19th century

    Short waistcoat in reddish-pink satin with small, dark green cut velvet repeating buds in a heart-shaped framework. Printed cotton facing to fronts in multi-colored stripes and white lotus shapes. Undyed…

  • Samples, Abbey Cloth, late 19th–early 20th century

    Thirteen swatches of Abbey Cloth in delft blue. Some with single, some with paired warps and wefts.

  • Waistcoat, 18th century

    Man’s coat of white cotton, lined with white linen, with deep cuff ornamentation, all of white quilting with sections of punched work and embroidered French knots. The design is an…

  • Waistcoat, 1740–50

    Gentleman’s embroidered waistcoat with embroidered decoration of fruits and vines at center front bottom and pocket area.

  • Waistcoat, ca. 1795

    Men’s double-breasted waistcoat with high standing collar, cut straight at the waist. Waistcoat is patterned with stripes, and is comprised of the colors brown, peach, and cream. There are seven…

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