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  • Sidewall (Sweden), ca. 1940

    Design of overlapping fern leaves in silver and white on gray ground.

  • Tile (Germany), 16th century

    Within an arched niche are St. Martin and the Beggar. At base are strapwork, pendants, masks, grotesques, and seven figures symbolizing the three ecclesiastical and four cardinal virtues: Faith, Hope,…

  • Embroidery, late 18th century

    Cream-colored cotton (possibly from a curtain or skirt) with detached floral motives worked in chain stitch. Flowers small garden varieties in clusters 3″ to 4″ long; arranged in staggered rows.…

  • Embroidery (Greece), late 19th century

    Horizonal panel with deep border embroidered in row of large flowering wreaths in blues, blue-greens, shades of rust; touches of white, black and yellow whithin the guard strips; similar wreath…

  • Sidewall (Sweden), ca. 1950

    Horizontal rows of white and red squares in outline, overlapping in such a way as to give an interlocked appearance. Small figures on blue-gray ground.

  • Sidewall (Sweden), 1949–50

    Freely drawn white squares and dark green horizontal lines in nine vertical drop-repeating columns, on pale green ground.

  • Sidewall (Sweden), ca. 1948–50

    Horizontal rows of geometrical, non-representational figures outlined in dark brown. Small figures, on blue-gray ground.

Object Type