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  • Belt (Russia), late 19th century

    Ribbon belt in silver cloth with black silk strips and figures. Six convex buttons and two-part buckle ornamented in scrolling stem and leaf design and the word “Kavkaz” (Caucasus) in…

  • Textile (Russia)

    Floral serpentines brocaded in colored silks on background of gold and silver arranged in vertical stripes.

  • Tablecloth (Germany), 19th century

    Design of six large medallions containing a scene from Lohengrin. Border around the cloth has interlacing bands forming circles and a lyre between confronted swans. Large monogram: E.S.H.

  • Capelet (Russia), 18th century

    Part of a garment made from silver brocade with salmon-colored silk ruffles and lined with twill in natural wool.

  • Waistcoat (England), late 18th–early 19th century

    Short waistcoat in reddish-pink satin with small, dark green cut velvet repeating buds in a heart-shaped framework. Printed cotton facing to fronts in multi-colored stripes and white lotus shapes. Undyed…

  • Waistcoat, 18th century

    Man’s coat of white cotton, lined with white linen, with deep cuff ornamentation, all of white quilting with sections of punched work and embroidered French knots. The design is an…

  • Textile (Russia), 18th century

    Diagonal repeat of large symmetrical tulip-like flowers with smaller tulip and broad-toothed leaves on either side of stem. Diamond rosette diaper filling interstices. In tarnished white metal threads in plain…

  • Textile (Russia), 18th–19th century

    Coarse white satin with design in silver foil of horizontal-vertical continuous repeat of pointed-arm crosses in a continuous interlaced framework. Eight-pointed stars, formed by interstices, are decorated with tracery.

  • Trimming (Russia), 19th–20th century

    Red, white and black geometric pattern.

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