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  • Cap (Egypt), late 13th–early 14th century

    Man’s cap of bright blue silk formed from six isoceles triangles, with a deep band to encircle the head. The triangles have quilted geometric borders and fillings; the band has…

  • Cap

  • Shawl (Mexico), late 18th–early 19th century

    Long narrow shawl of cream colored cotton embroidered at the ends and along the sides in colored silks and paillettes in a leaf and bow-knot design. Scalloped ends of netting…

  • Carpet, Campion, late 19th century

    Length of so-called “Kidderminster” or ingrain carpeting with a single repeat of a large-scale symmetrical pattern. An ogival framework with acanthus leaves, twining stems and flowers in shades of green…

  • Carpet (USA), ca. 1832

    Rectangle of “Tapestry Brussels” carpeting with large flowers and leaves in deep rich colors in blurred impressionistic style.

  • Shawl (Belgium), 19th century

    White lace shawl of fine mesh with detached floral designs and a wide floral border.

  • Shawl (Switzerland), 19th–20th century

    Shawl in fine white cotton printed in polychrome and what appears to be hand painted additions. Border design is a rural scene along a river; corners feature a rustic bridge,…

  • Cap (Egypt), 9th–12th century

    Skull cap wiht flat circular crown, band around the head, of double thickness of undyed linen with embroidered, couched, and quilted decoration. Diamonds around headband with various fillings in forms…

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