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  • Fragment (Egypt), 6th century

    Oblong fragment containing heart-shaped tapestry-woven red leaves and green stems at intervals. Leaves have a thin border of tapestry weave in the natural linen. Two red rosettes with pink centers…

  • Fragment (Egypt), 6th century

    Monochrome, red wool and undyed linen. A clavus and a part of neck decoration showing a row of arches over plant motifs. The tapestry area has 2+2 warp groupings with…

  • Woman’s Mantle (chyrpy) (Turkmenistan), 19th century

    Woman’s white cotton chyrpy embroidered with silk and wool felt appliqué in red, green, yellow, blue and magenta. Vertical stalks of highly stylized tulips rise from the hem, and a…

  • Button (Haiti), late 18th century

    Button depicting scene of five figures outside near a large house. From left: a seated man, wearing a pink shirt, playing a drum, a woman with only head visible standing…

  • Button (Haiti), late 18th century

    Button depicting scene of four figures in a landscape. A woman on the left wears a striped shirt and scarf, an orange and white skirt and turban; she faces man…

  • Button (Haiti), late 18th century

    Button depicting scene of figures in a landscape with a building. A shirtless man wearing a red turban and white pants fighting with a wooden stick with another man wearing…

  • Button (Haiti), late 18th century

    Button depicting scene with five figures. Two men wear white clothing and pink turbans and are training with wooden sticks, looking at their left [proper]. Behind them, a woman in…

  • Button (Haiti), late 18th century

    Button depicting scene with three figures in a palm tree-filled landscape conversing. Two men wear native West Indies garments of skirts; one wears a red feathered crown; the other holds…

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