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  • Sidewall (Sweden), ca. 1940

    Design of overlapping fern leaves in silver and white on gray ground.

  • Box And Cover (Denmark), 20th century

    Cover: figure of a white reclining cat, ears and eyes touched with color. Copenhagen mark in underglaze blue. Box: irregular shape with frieze of grey-painted mice. Projection forms right rear…

  • Sample Book (USA), 1948

    Contains forty contemporary designs by leading designers. The “Audubon Game Birds” is a photo-lithograph. Includes “Skeletons” by William Justema, “In Line” by Ilonka Karasz.

  • Sample Book (France), ca. 1750

    Folded paper with twelve samples in very bright colors mounted on thin board. Probably used for uniforms. Samples are mounted on paper which reads “LONDRINS SECONDS DE LA GRAVETTE MAY…

  • Waistcoat (England), late 18th–early 19th century

    Short waistcoat in reddish-pink satin with small, dark green cut velvet repeating buds in a heart-shaped framework. Printed cotton facing to fronts in multi-colored stripes and white lotus shapes. Undyed…

  • Sidewall (Sweden), ca. 1950

    Horizontal rows of white and red squares in outline, overlapping in such a way as to give an interlocked appearance. Small figures on blue-gray ground.

  • Sidewall (Sweden), 1949–50

    Freely drawn white squares and dark green horizontal lines in nine vertical drop-repeating columns, on pale green ground.

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