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  • Napkin (France), 1910

    Cream-colored napkin or tea cloth embroidered with initials and ornamented with cutwork and lace.

  • Cap (Egypt), late 13th–early 14th century

    Man’s cap of bright blue silk formed from six isoceles triangles, with a deep band to encircle the head. The triangles have quilted geometric borders and fillings; the band has…

  • Cap

  • Samples, Abbey Cloth, late 19th–early 20th century

    Thirteen swatches of Abbey Cloth in delft blue. Some with single, some with paired warps and wefts.

  • Sample Sheet (France), 1700–1775

    Sheet of paper pasted with double row of 12 samples of wollen cloth with felted surfaces in reds, greens, browns, grey, and blues. Stamped heading: “LONDRINS SECONDS DE GUILLAUME BESAUCELE…

  • Sample Sheet (France), ca. 1750

    Sheet of paper pasted with a double row of twelve samples of fulled woolen cloth in greens, reds, purples, blue, black, and white. Crudely drawn floral border of brown ink,…

  • Sample Sheet (France), ca. 1750

    Sheet of paper pasted with twelve samples of fulled woolen cloth in greens, orange, red, blue, and browns. Intended for export to the eastern Mediterranean region.

  • Sample Sheet (France), 1750

    Sheet of paper pasted with a double row of twenty-four samples of fulled woolen cloth in greens, blues, purple, brown, white, pink and oranges. Intended for export to the eastern…

  • Sample Sheet (France), ca. 1750

    Sheet of paper pasted with a double row of twelve samples of fulled woolen cloth in greens, purples, blues, orange, red and black. Intended for export to the eastern Mediterranean…

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