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  • Woman’s Mantle (chyrpy) (Turkmenistan), 19th century

    Woman’s white cotton chyrpy embroidered with silk and wool felt appliqué in red, green, yellow, blue and magenta. Vertical stalks of highly stylized tulips rise from the hem, and a…

  • Cat and kitten Figure, late 19th–early 20th century

    Gray, black, and white tabby cat standing on hind legs holds an upraised stick above a mewing kitten lying across its knee, as if in the act of spanking.

  • Shawl (Mexico), late 18th–early 19th century

    Long narrow shawl of cream colored cotton embroidered at the ends and along the sides in colored silks and paillettes in a leaf and bow-knot design. Scalloped ends of netting…

  • Shawl (Belgium), 19th century

    White lace shawl of fine mesh with detached floral designs and a wide floral border.

  • Skirt Cloth (Indonesia), 1931

    Skirt cloth made of two lengths seamed down long sides of bright green silk cloth with scaled design in gold thread. Design shows long stemmed stylized floral forms extending into…

  • Shawl (Switzerland), 19th–20th century

    Shawl in fine white cotton printed in polychrome and what appears to be hand painted additions. Border design is a rural scene along a river; corners feature a rustic bridge,…

  • Textile (Indonesia), early 20th century

    Painted and glazed cloth strip depicting scenes from a Hindu religious epic. Shows rows of standing and kneeling figures against stylized cloud bands on undyed cotton ground. Flowering sprays and…

  • Textile (Indonesia), early 20th century

    Painted and glazed cloth strip depicting scenes from a Hindu religious epic. Shows rows of standing and kneeling figures against stylized cloud bands on undyed cotton ground. Flowering sprays and…

  • Textile (Indonesia), early 20th century

    Painted and glazed cloth strip depicting scenes from a Hindu religious epic. Shows rows of standing and kneeling figures against stylized cloud bands on undyed cotton ground. Flowering sprays and…

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