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  • Square (Iran), 19th century

    Pink and yellow flowers on a net ground.

  • Square, 18th century

    Coat of arms of a Bishop of the Franciscan Order (Cross, crossed arms with stigmata, above a black bird on a mount against a blue ground) with Bishop’s hat (green…

  • Square (Near East), late 19th century

    Square of sheer cream-colored cotton, embroidered on all four sides with colored silks and metal thread. Design of detached motifs: an island with trees; and a galley with oars raised…

  • Cover, ca. 1760

    Globular body with double C-scroll handle and curving animal-headed spout. Round lid with bud-form knob. Gilt enrichments. Painted floral elements. In open gilt frame is painted Mercury appearing to a…

  • Square (Germany), 14th century

    Fragment from an altar frontal in coarse cream-colored linen embroidered in silk in red, light green, light blue, and white. In the center field, the Crucifixion: Christ on the cross…

  • Cap (Egypt), late 13th–early 14th century

    Man’s cap of bright blue silk formed from six isoceles triangles, with a deep band to encircle the head. The triangles have quilted geometric borders and fillings; the band has…

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