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  • Scenic, Serenade, 1948–50

    The left panel from a set of two panels. A courtyard fantasy. Around a trellised gate children play guitars and other musical instruments. A pavement and wall stretch away at…

  • Plaque (England), ca. 1777

    Omphale (or Jöle) and frame. Vertical oval plaque of unevenly colored grayish blue solid jasper, with half-draped figure of Ophale in profile, standing on bracket and carrying the lion’s skin…

  • Plaque, ca. 1778

    Vertical oval plaque, pale blue solid jasper body with darker slip and white relief showing a youth, nude except for drapery falling from shoulder. He stands in left profile and…

  • Scenic, “Le Jardin d’Armide” [The Garden of Armida], 1854

    “a”: Irregular-shaped fragment showing portion of a free-standing arcade with Corinthian columns, around which grow wisteria and other vines in large scale. Across top is trellis with pink roses; “b”…

  • Scenic (China), 1795–1825

    Gray sky background. Bamboo trees. Large central tree with many purple blossoms. Branches, with red fruit, growing from the left. Multi-colored birds and insects. Conventionalized green ground at bottom with…

  • Scenic (China), 1795–1825

    Blue-gray sky background. Different varieties of flowering trees and plants with either white or pink blossoms. A perching owl and multicolored bird. At bottom, on green ground, are rocks and…

  • Scenic (China), 1775–99

    Printed on a pale green background. Darker green ground at bottom. Flowering tree with white blossoms, and large peony plant with white and pale yellow blossoms. Bamboo trees in the…

  • commemorative Plaque, 1876

    “Centennial Exposition / Memorial Hall”

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