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  • Sculpture Grasshopper, late 19th century

    Figure of a green grasshopper with realistic touches of other color, transparent wings.

  • Embroidered Picture (England), late 17th century

    Small embroidered picture depicting the story of Judith and Holofernes, worked almost entirely in knot stitches on white silk using colored silks and metallic threads. Judith, holding a sword in…

  • Embroidered Picture (England), late 17th century

    Embroidered picture. Two depths: in foreground, a woman with child speak to a bearded man; in background, an angel looks over a landscape with trees, a castle, and a tent…

  • Embroidered Picture, late 17th century

    Embroidered picture. Three depths: in foreground, a landscape with flowers, a pond and animals (from left to right: lion, stag, leopard and unicorn); in middle ground, two women, one holding…

  • Stand

    Copper betty lamp with double wicks and conical based hanging stand.

  • Embroidered Picture (Italy), 16th century

    Panel, almost square, of elaborate embroidery in silk and gold on ground of dark green satin. Central oval with embroidered pictorial representation of the “Adoration of the Christ Child,” white…

  • Man’s Shirt (Guatemala), 1925–50

    Long straight shirt made of two lengths of heavy white cotton with thin red stripes (two warps, three wefts). Very short narrow sleeves of red cloth with two wide bands…

  • Huipil (Guatemala), 1900–1950

    Huipil made of three lengths stitched together. Dark blue cotton cloth with double warps and double wefts covered in long red floats. Design of triangles and diamonds in blue, green,…

  • Perraje (shawl) (Guatemala), 1900–1955

    Dark blue weft-ribbed shawl with double warps and wefts. Jaspe pattern in close-set bands with geometric and abstract figurative design in white, red, yellow and green. Warps plaited into deep…

  • Textile (Guatemala), early 20th century

    Square with large plaid in shades of red and white with large central panel of close-set zigzags, stripes and small geometrical figures in shades of bright pink, green, lavender, white…

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