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  • Square (Iran), 19th century

    Pink and yellow flowers on a net ground.

  • Textile (Iran), 10th–13th century

    Vertical rows of medium-sized ogives bordered with broad continuous bands of Kufic lettering and enclosing confronted peacocks with tails spread to top of a Tree of Life between them. Winged…

  • Woman’s Mantle (chyrpy) (Turkmenistan), 19th century

    Woman’s white cotton chyrpy embroidered with silk and wool felt appliqué in red, green, yellow, blue and magenta. Vertical stalks of highly stylized tulips rise from the hem, and a…

  • Textile (Iran), 17th century

    Repeats of a floral design in tan on blue background. Border with flowers and animals in multicolored silk. Lined in red wool.

  • Cover, ca. 1760

    Globular body with double C-scroll handle and curving animal-headed spout. Round lid with bud-form knob. Gilt enrichments. Painted floral elements. In open gilt frame is painted Mercury appearing to a…

  • Puppet, 19th century

    Male figure in long skirt, naked to the waist. Pink face with black moustache and beard; gold, black, red green and cream head-dress. Arms with articulated elbow. All flesh except…

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