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  • Textile (Germany), 1920–30

    Non-directional geometric pattern on dyed orange background. Length less than height. 4 colors: orange, pink, yellow, black on white silk.

  • Collage, Two-Dimensional Color Contrast Chart, Spring 1961

    Verticle rectangle. Chart made up of colored squares, with smaller squares of contrasting colors superimposed thereon. (For Mr. Hannes Beckmann’s First year class.)

  • Collage (USA), 1963

    Abstract designs Ulfert Wilke (1907– ) Variations on “The best is yet to be,” E: Horizontal rectangle on white paper, signed and dated, unmounted

  • Collage (USA), 1963

    Abstract designs Ulfert Wilke (1907– ) Variations on “The best is yet to be,” D: Vertical rectangle on white paper, signed and dated, unmounted

  • Collage (USA), 1963

    Abstract designs Ulfert Wilke (1907– ) Variations on “The best is yet to be,” C: Horizontal rectangle on orange paper, signed and dated, unmounted

  • Collage (USA), 1963

    Abstract designs Ulfert Wilke (1907– ) Variations on “The best is yet to be,” B: Horizontal rectangle on white paper, signed and dated, unmounted

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