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  • Panel (Algeria), 18th–19th century

    Small hanging or shawl of fine, loosely woven linen, embroidered in silk in blue, violet, red, olive green, pink and white. Design symmetrically arranged, of stylized plants with spiky, angular…

  • Towel (Croatia), 1920–30

    Woven towel with bands of geometric patterning at both ends. One band is six inches, and the other is two and half inches.

  • Towel (Croatia), 1920–30

    Woven towel with bands geometric patterning at both ends. One band is eleven inches, and the other is three and half inches.

  • Towel (Croatia), 1920–30

    Woven towel with bands of geometric patterning at both ends. One band is seven inches, and the other is two inches.

  • Towel (Croatia), 1920–30

    Woven towel with bands of geometric patterning at both ends. One band is eight and half inches, and the other is five inches.

  • Sampler (Sri Lanka), 1956

    Part of Singalese alphabet above figures of lion and woman carrying pot.

  • Sidewall (USA), 1920–30

    Children’s paper, showing chidren at play: jumping rope, on a see-saw, in a sandbox going down a slide and at the beach. Also shows a train. Printed in colors on…

  • Poster, John Lennon, 1967

    A depiction of the head and shoulders of musician John Lennon on vibrant yellow ground. The left side of image and hair saturated in bright orange-red; the right side of…

Object Type