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  • Suspender (France), early 19th century

    Pair of suspenders of heavy silk mesh. Embroidered in colored silks in a vine design with small Chinese figures. Lined with magenta and white plaid taffeta. White leather straps and…

  • Textile (Portugal), 19th century

    Part of cover or curtain, of cotton striped in blue and white with printed designs in stripes. In blue, a vase with flowers; in white, groups of dogs alternating with…

  • Panel (possibly Portugal), 18th century

    White silk floral damask embroidered with scattered animals, birds and insects in colored silks and metal threads. With an embroidered obelisk surmounted by a coronet with serpents on either side.…

  • Floor Tile (possibly Portugal), 16th–early 17th century

    Square tile of buff clay with thin underfired opaque grayish-white glaze. Underglaze blue painting of diagonally placed heraldic shield with eagle and three pointed arches. Above, helmet with plumes, and…

  • Man’s Shirt (Guatemala), 1925–50

    Long straight shirt made of two lengths of heavy white cotton with thin red stripes (two warps, three wefts). Very short narrow sleeves of red cloth with two wide bands…

  • Huipil (Guatemala), 1900–1950

    Huipil made of three lengths stitched together. Dark blue cotton cloth with double warps and double wefts covered in long red floats. Design of triangles and diamonds in blue, green,…

  • Perraje (shawl) (Guatemala), 1900–1955

    Dark blue weft-ribbed shawl with double warps and wefts. Jaspe pattern in close-set bands with geometric and abstract figurative design in white, red, yellow and green. Warps plaited into deep…

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