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  • Purse (France), early 18th century

    Small sheild-shaped purse of yellow silk satin damask embroidered in design of arabesques worked in silver thread with flowers in pink, blue and green silk, with the same design on…

  • Handkerchief (Philippines), 1800–1850

    Square handkerchief with a border of drawn work and corners decorated in a vine motif. Hemmed edges.

  • Purse (Spain), late 17th century

    Flat rectangular bag of heavy green satin, embroidered in gold and silver metallic yarns and coral-colored silk. On one side the pious pelican is plucking her breast to provide sustenance…

  • Sidewall (France), 1901–06

    Rococo revival-style with very large foliage and scroll design with large cluster of roses as major motif. The match is dropped with join occurring at the center of the bouquet.…

  • Purse (France), 1910–20

    Oblong bag of colored glass beads in dark reddish-brown, gold, green and red, in a design of geometric bands. Fringe of beads at bottom. Gold-colored metal frame at top engraved…

  • Sleeve Panel (Philippines), late 19th–early 20th century

    Straight panels intended for sleeves with a small appliquéd and embroidered floral design. A wide border shows a vine pattern along with a flower and vine pattern of appliqué pina…

  • Sleeve (Philippines), late 19th–early 20th century

    Straight panels intended for sleeves with a small appliquéd and embroidered floral design. A wide border shows a vine pattern along with a flower and vine pattern of appliqué pina…

  • Bodice (Philippines), late 19th–early 20th century

    Simple bodice, front and back in one piece, with a round, low neck. Very sheer, off-white piña cloth with an appliqué design of small flowers outlined in white embroidery. Border…

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