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  • Sampler (USA), 1827

    Sampler embroidered in red, black and blue on a white ground, with the alphabet and inscription Susanna Meck 1827 at the top, and many small detached motifs including animals, birds,…

  • Ornament (USA), ca. 1942

    Wheel-shaped ornament made by knotting and interlacing yellow silk cord.

  • Sampler (England), 17th century

    Thirteen cross borders in cutwork with needlepoint stitches and embroidery in satin and curled stitches.

  • Cover, ca. 1760

    Globular body with double C-scroll handle and curving animal-headed spout. Round lid with bud-form knob. Gilt enrichments. Painted floral elements. In open gilt frame is painted Mercury appearing to a…

  • Cover (USA), 1875–1950

    Cover with a knitted center in a scalloped design and trimmed on all four side with machine-made lace.

  • Ornament (possibly England), 1895

    Half a ceiling piece, a semi-circle, is printed on a regular width of wallpaper. Presumably, two of these go to make up the complete centerpiece. Two classically-garbed females float against…

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