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  • Sample Book (USA), 1948

    Contains forty contemporary designs by leading designers. The “Audubon Game Birds” is a photo-lithograph. Includes “Skeletons” by William Justema, “In Line” by Ilonka Karasz.

  • Cap (Egypt), late 13th–early 14th century

    Man’s cap of bright blue silk formed from six isoceles triangles, with a deep band to encircle the head. The triangles have quilted geometric borders and fillings; the band has…

  • Sample Book (France), ca. 1750

    Folded paper with twelve samples in very bright colors mounted on thin board. Probably used for uniforms. Samples are mounted on paper which reads “LONDRINS SECONDS DE LA GRAVETTE MAY…

  • Cap

  • Embroidered Picture (England), late 17th century

    Small embroidered picture depicting the story of Judith and Holofernes, worked almost entirely in knot stitches on white silk using colored silks and metallic threads. Judith, holding a sword in…

  • Tumbler

    Cylindrical form slightly flares wider at opening

  • Tumbler (Italy), ca. 1770

    A straight-sided tapered body of fifteen vertical panels, decorated with a rococo scenic fantasy.

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