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  • Ornament (USA), ca. 1942

    Wheel-shaped ornament made by knotting and interlacing yellow silk cord.

  • Sample Book (USA), 1948

    Contains forty contemporary designs by leading designers. The “Audubon Game Birds” is a photo-lithograph. Includes “Skeletons” by William Justema, “In Line” by Ilonka Karasz.

  • Cap (Egypt), late 13th–early 14th century

    Man’s cap of bright blue silk formed from six isoceles triangles, with a deep band to encircle the head. The triangles have quilted geometric borders and fillings; the band has…

  • Cap

  • Door Knocker (Spain), 16th century

    Figure of a collared dog with open mouth, twisted tail curved over back, and sphere between the forepaws. Body incised with markings simulating fur. Hind legs terminate in pierced circlets.

  • Ornament (possibly England), 1895

    Half a ceiling piece, a semi-circle, is printed on a regular width of wallpaper. Presumably, two of these go to make up the complete centerpiece. Two classically-garbed females float against…

  • Cap (Egypt), 9th–12th century

    Skull cap wiht flat circular crown, band around the head, of double thickness of undyed linen with embroidered, couched, and quilted decoration. Diamonds around headband with various fillings in forms…

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