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  • Sidewall (Sweden), ca. 1940

    Design of overlapping fern leaves in silver and white on gray ground.

  • Sample Book (USA), 1948

    Contains forty contemporary designs by leading designers. The “Audubon Game Birds” is a photo-lithograph. Includes “Skeletons” by William Justema, “In Line” by Ilonka Karasz.

  • Sidewall (Sweden), ca. 1950

    Horizontal rows of white and red squares in outline, overlapping in such a way as to give an interlocked appearance. Small figures on blue-gray ground.

  • Sidewall (Sweden), 1949–50

    Freely drawn white squares and dark green horizontal lines in nine vertical drop-repeating columns, on pale green ground.

  • Sidewall (Sweden), ca. 1948–50

    Horizontal rows of geometrical, non-representational figures outlined in dark brown. Small figures, on blue-gray ground.

  • Ribbon (France), 18th century

    Narrow ribbon in pinks and greenin a repeated, small-scale striped pattern. Elaborate tassels at either end.

  • Ribbon (France), 1750–1800

    Long strip, widening toward the bottom, of openwork effect formed by silk-wound linen strands bound at intervals by silk warps. Serpentine of green ribbon tied to form small scallops applied…

  • Lance Point, 19th century

    Long flat head with two rear barbs above series of 15 projecting barbs; the whole above a series of 8 opposed barbs at teh head of the tapering hollow socket.

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